Today in Computer Class
Newtown Middle School  -  Council Rock School District

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Tuesday - June 5, 2012

Internet Moment: Students tried using which is an online vocabulary game that claims to donate 10 grains of rice to needy people for every correct answer. After having time to use the site students were asked if the site is bogus or real. We then did an activity to demonstrate how to research the validity of websites by independently verifying the facts. Students also had a chance to explore as an example of a website where they verify internet rumors.

Finish First Aid Posters: Students printed the final drafts of their first aid projects in black & white.  Unfortunately the color printer wasn't working today.

Make-up Time: Since this is our last full class all students have time to make up any work they may have missed. All projects were handed back and students could submit anything they missed or re-submit a project that they hadn't finished

Closure to Computer Class: Students were reminded that computers are constantly changing and that they had to learn to adjust to new programs, new hardware and new ways of using technology all the time. We are all constantly learning to adapt to new technology. They were also reminded of the wide variety of computer and technology classes that are available to them as electives at the high school.



Monday - June 4, 2012

Journal Entry 2 & 3: As this is our second to the last class so students did the last two journal entries.  They typed a one paragraph answer to the question: "What new things did you learn in computer class this year?" and a one sentence answer to: "What new things would you still like to learn about computers?"

Finish First Aid Posters:  All students finished their three first aid posters and a few students printed them in full color.  Unfortunately there was a problem with the printer so the rest will be printed tomorrow.

Technology Current Event Video:  Some students requested that we watch the "Did You Know 3.0" video again since we hadn't seen the whole thing the first time we watched it.


Friday - June 1, 2012

Internet Moment:  Today we tried using some virtual piano websites as an example of an online music resource.  Students had a few minutes to play some music.

Start First Aid Posters:  This is the final 8th grade project in MS Publisher.  Students are to use all the skills they have learned in Publisher to create a series of three first aid posters that share a graphical theme that they created.  Information and pictures can be used from the internet but all resources must be correctly cited on each poster using the correct MLA Works Cited Format.  Students were instructed on how to use to help them create their works cited.  This is a cross-curricular project so students may submit their finished first aid posters to their Health Teachers for extra credit.  Click here to enlarge the project description.

Technology Current Event Video - We watched a short TED presentation by Gary Kovacs, the CEO of the the Mozilla Corporation about how we are tracked when we are on the internet and a free plug-in for Firefox called Collusion that allows you to graphically see the tracking in real-time.  After the video students downloaded the Collusion software, we surfed the internet for a little while and we watched who was watching us online.

Gary Kovacs:  Tracking the Trackers



Friday - May 25, 2012

Internet Moment:  Students watched a presentation about how VOIP and webcams are combined to make video chatting possible. Streaming video from the internet was demonstrated and we watched live video from Cocoa Beach in Florida.  The increased use of security cameras was discussed and we also discussed privacy rights and exactly where people should not be video recorded.  We also visited to view some online webcams from all around the world.

Finish Full Page Ad Project:  Students completed their rough draft, reviewed it with the teacher and then printed their final draft in full color.

Formal Interviewing Techniques Using Webcams:  Our students practiced formal interviewing techniques by Skyping with Mr. McCutcheon at Archie Stouffer Elementary School in Minden, Ontario, Canada.  We learned about what school is like for his students, when their summer vacation is, what their school day looks like and what the weather is like there.  Before the interview we talked about the differences between web chatting with friends and participating in a formal web conference. We also prepared questions in advance.

Technology Current Event Video:  At the end of class we watched a short video about job interview techniques using webcams.

Skype Interview Tips



Thursday - May 24, 2012

*No Class - 8th Graders went to Great Adventure today


Wednesday - May 23, 2012

Internet Moment:  As an example of how to use the the internet to learn independently we went to to learn about some basic money concepts and vocabulary.  Students experimented with the Simple savings calculator to learn about interest rates and did an activity to see how much money they could save up for their graduation.  We also experimented with the Simple loan calculator and talked about how car loans work and what a credit score is.  Finally we used the Cost of Living Calculator to experiment with the effects of inflation over time by comparing the current cost of a school lunch today to what their parents and grandparents might have paid.  Students were then given some time to explore other calculators on their own.

Start Full page Ad Project:  Today students started a classic graphic design project to help them continue to develop their own sense of design and their skills in MS Publisher.  Each student selected a full page, full color magazine advertisement to recreate in MS Publisher.  The student version of the ad must advertize something different than the original but it should look very similar to the original.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  We did not finish this project today.

Technology Current Event Video: We watched the Tech Bytes Video from ABC News that features the newest Samsung Galaxy phone and a second video about the Facebook I.P.O.'s decline in value.

Zuckerberg Loses $2B on 2nd Day
video platform video management video solutions video player


Thursday - May 17, 2012

Internet Moment:  Today we compared three online mapping websites to evaluate their interfaces and features.  We used,, and  We checked to see if they had weather, directions, satellite photos and street level photos.  Students also had some time to explore each website for additional features like the new 3D directions in Google Maps and the Birds Eye View in Bing Maps.

Finish Publisher Brochure Project:  Student were shown how to create a hanging indent list and how to print double sided.  Each student also had an opportunity to review their project with the teacher.  All students finished and turned in this project today.

Technology Current Event Video:  We watched a video from Science Daily about the development of an aerial imaging system that could locate people who were in need after a disaster.


Wednesday - May 16, 2012

Internet Moment:  Today students had an opportunity to tour major art museums all around the globe by visiting the Google Art Project.  This website offers virtual 3D tours of museums and high resolution images of the art work within.

Start Publisher Brochure Project:  Students take an existing brochure for computer class and recreate it in Publisher 2010 using a premade template as a starting point.   Students also practiced their typing by re-typing the text.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  We just started this project.

Technology Current Event:  Last year all students watched this TED Video about Sixth Sense Technology coming out of the MIT Media Lab.  As a follow up 8th graders watched this new video that features more of Pranav Mistry's ideas:

Pranav Mistry's Sixth-Sense & Microsoft's Productivity Future Vision


Tuesday - May 15, 2012

Internet Moment:  Today we explored Google Sketchup which is a great example of a free CAD program.  CAD, or computer aided design/drafting, has become very common across many fields and students should have some knowledge of what 3D designing looks and feels like on a computer.  Though it is available at school, Google Sketchup is a free download that students can download at home so they can continue to learn more about this important skill on their own.

Started Basic HTML:  Students learned about computer coding by creating a website in basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).  Students were also introduced to what a webinar is. was used to project the teacher's desktop to the student's screen and the use of webcams in  a webinar was also demonstrated.  Using also made it possible for Mrs. Gershman (the computer teacher at Holland Middle School) to visit our class and watch the lesson.  Students typed the HTML into notepad to create a simple webpage that included a background color, font color, fonts style, inserting pictures.  The use of hexadecimal numbers to create colors was also explained.  Finally, we experimented with adding free JavaScript from DynamicDrive.comClick here to enlarge the project description.

Technology Current Event Video:  We watched the first part a TED presentation by Salman Khan the creator of Khan Academy.  He spoke about his ideas for using online video resources like YouTube to teach all kinds of subjects online. 

Salman Khan: Lets use video to reinvent education


Wednesday - May 9, 2012

Internet Moment:  To give students some insight into what college is like they explored Open Courseware at MIT and the Open Courseware Consortium which includes colleges and universities all around the world.  After a brief presentation about college vocabulary (including different academic degrees, majors and what a syllabus is) student were given time to explore the websites.  This was also an opportunity for them to see what online instruction might look like.

Finish Publisher Font Guide:  All students completed this project, printed it and turned it in.

Technology Current Event Video:  To finish class today we watched a video from TED about how a CAPTCHA works and what they're planning on using CAPTCHA technology for in the future.  Basically they want to translate the internet into multiple languages as an online collaboration project.  The presentation was by computer scientist Luis von Ahu who was one of the inventors of the CAPTCHA.  Luis von Ahun:  Massive-scale online collaboration.

Tuesday - May 8, 2012

Internet Moment:  Today we explored Google Earth and discussed how a 3 dimensional virtual environment can be used to augment human memory.  We started by watching a short video about the ancient memory technique known as Memory Palace and how this technique could be used to prepare for a test.  Students then opened Google Earth and we began a tour of the earth and the moon.  The whole class followed a specific list of locations.  Afterwards students typed out a paragraph about where they went and what they saw to demonstrate the effectiveness of using 3D spatial references, such as the virtual environment of Google Earth, to augment memory.  We then concluded with a demonstration of a Virtual Memory Palace.

Memory Palace Demonstration Video

* Today's class was short due to the half day schedule.

Monday - May 7, 2012

Internet Moment:  Students explored Google Books as a resource for free ebooks and they were shown how to search the text of a book.  The legal controversy surrounding the Google Books Project and copyright laws as well as the settlement to date was also discussed.  Downloading ebooks from Google Books to various devices such as ebook readers, tablets, computers and smart phones was also discussed.

Favorite Links Project:  Students started and finished this project today.  Each student made a simple single file webpage in Word.  On this webpage they are using a table to layout 6 favorite websites with words and pictures as hyperlinks to the sites.  We almost finished this project today. Click here to enlarge the project description

Publisher Logo Project: After an introduction to MS Publisher and a description of why learning basic graphic design skills is important in communication your ideas effectively, we started our first project. Students got familiar with Publisher 2010 by making a simple logo. Click here to enlarge the project description. 

Start Publisher Font Guide Project:  Students watched a presentation about how we read using "sight words", the origins of fonts, and the two basic font families (serif and sans serif).  Students then started making the font guide.  We also discussed the concept of WYSIWYG in graphic design on computers.   Click here to enlarge the project description.  Some students finished, most will complete this project next class.

Technology Current Event Video:  We ran out of time for a video today.





Tuesday - May 1, 2012

Internet Moment:  Students were shown the different parts of a web address.  We looked at,, and  Students were shown how they can use the different domain names to narrow a search geographically.  For example when we used Google in New Zealand to search for "skiing" and get very different results than when we search for "skiing" in

Finish MLA Paragraph: Students finished and printed this project.

Seating Assignments:  All students have an assigned seat/computer in computer class.

Typing Test:  All students took a typing test using  Each student had 10 minutes to take the 1 minute test multiple times.  Their best adjusted speed was recorded and graphed in an Excel spreadsheet.  The average typing speed for this class was:   45.2 WPM  Click here for more information about typing speeds at Newtown Middle School

Online Typing Activities:  Students were given some time to find at least 3 online typing activities (tutorials or games) that they enjoyed.  They were to then add these typing activities to their favorites or bookmarks list so they could go back and practice their typing skills in class when they finish their projects.

Technology Current Events Video Electrical and Computer Engineers Design Wheelchair Controlled By a Magnet on the User's Tongue.


Monday - April 30, 2012

Internet Moment:  We started with a brief lecture about different web browsers and an explanation of what an intranet is.  Students were also shown how to use popular news aggregators to find current events, search for specific news stories, find new videos and search the archives of old newspapers.  We used Google News, Bing News to find out what was going on in our world today.   Students were shown an archive search from 1964 for "Council Rock" as an example.

MLA Paragraph Project:  All 8th grade students must demonstrate the ability to use the MLA format (which is used at Council Rock and most colleges) in MS Word 2010.  To do this project all students demonstrated many basic skills including:  formatting text, changing line & paragraph spacing, inserting breaks and formatting in the MLA format.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  Most students finished this project in class today.

Technology Current Events Video:  Today we watched a video from ABC News> Tech This Out about the Best Tech Gift Ideas for Mother's Day.



Friday - April 27,2012 - FIRST CLASS

Introduction to Basic Computer Skills:  Basic rules and classroom procedures were explained.  Students were specifically reminded that because technology is constantly changing they should get into the habit of helping each other out and demonstrating the ability to learn new computer skills through experimentation.  All students reported that they had helped an adult with computer skills but they also need to get used to helping each other out. 

Logon & Explore:  All students were given time to explore the start menu and the various programs available to them at school.  Click here to see a student desktop. Project:  Students were shown how to use the online photo editor to edit a photograph.  Students then shared their modified photos using various district network resources and demonstrated basic skills such as drag & drop.  The best use of the H:, S: & X: drives was also explained.

Computer Class Survey:  All students take a computer class survey.  The results of this survey are used to guide the instruction for the class.  You can view the survey to the right.  Click to enlarge.

Basic Computer Knowledge Lecture:  Using the computer class survey as an outline, a review of basic knowledge about computers was give.  A summary of the presentation can be watched below.

Introduction to Computer Class

Untitled from Mr. McNulty on Vimeo


Technology Current Event Video:  Most classes end with a current event video.  Today's video was inspired by an original presentation created by a high school teacher in Colorado, Karl Fisch.  Here is a link to his blog:  THE FISCHBOWL for more information.

Did You Know 3.0