December 7, 2012 - LAST CLASS 91 minutes Internet Moment: Students had a chance to explore today. This website, created by John Breen who also created, gives students and others a chance to practice their vocabulary skills while helping to support the United Nations World Food Programme. After having time to use the site students were asked to prove whether or not this website was bogus or real. After doing some research we learned that though it is a legitimate website (according to we also found other websites that would independently verify that was real. This activity is a good reminder to students that they have to be very skeptical of everything online and to always independently verify the facts themselves. Finish and Turn in First Aid Posters: Students had time to complete their final Publisher project today. Each student had an opportunity to print a rough draft and review it with the teacher. The final draft was printed in full color and turned in today. Make-up Time: Since this is our last class all students have time to make up any work they may have missed. All projects were handed back and students could submit anything they missed or re-submit a project that they hadn't finished for full credit. Closure to Computer Class: Students were reminded that computers are constantly changing and that they had to learn to adjust to new programs, new hardware and new ways of using technology all the time. We are all constantly learning to adapt to new technology. December 5, 2012 104 minutes Internet Moment: Today we experimented with Virtual Keyboard as an example of a free online music resource. Students had an opportunity to explore their musical talent. Finish First Aid Posters: Most students finished their First Aid Posters today.  Every student had an opportunity to print out a rough draft in black & white on scrap paper and review it with the teachers for any possible improvements.  They then printed their final draft in full color and handed it in.  A few students still need to finish this project. Online Collaboration Project: Each student used a blank Google Drawing that was provided by the teacher to make a Venn Diagram of their favorite foods. Their partner for this project was an student from Mr. Popoff's Science Class at the Sunshine Christian Bilingual School in La Lima, Cortes, Honduras. You can view a sample project here. This project was an example of what online collaboration might look and feel like in the future. All students printed and submitted their finished Venn Diagrams.  Click here to enlarge the project description. Mr. Popoff's Class in Honduras: ![]() Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a video about how to set up documents, presentations and drawing in Google Docs that multiple people can collaborate on at the same time. December 3, 2012 44 minutes Internet Moment: Today our students were introduced to the "joy of statistics" by viewing which is a free online resource where statistics from all around the world are presented in an easy to understand visual format. We looked at the "Wealth & Health of Nations" chart. As a demonstration of how the website works we tracked the life expectancy and income changes in the USA and Japan over the last 200 years.  Students then had time to explore the website on their own. Continue First Aid Project: All students had time to continue to work on the project we started last class. Everyone will finish printing this project next class. Newtown's Holiday Parade: We watched some highlights from yesterday's holiday parade in Newtown. A few students said they had participated in it but we didn't recognize any of them in the short video that was produced by Technology Current Event Video: As a follow-up to the internet moment we watched a segment of video from the BBC about In the video Hans Rosling, the creator of Gap Minder demonstrated how you can use the resource to learn about important trends in 200 years of history in just 4 minutes. November 29, 2012 91 minutes Austrian Prom Video: At the very beginning of class we watched some of the HLW St. Veit - Schulball 2012 which is a prom at a high school in Austria. Internet Moment: In continuing with the theme of protecting yourself online students were shown the website and given an opportunity to try some of the games in the Video & Media section. Some of the games were: Phishing Scams, Invasion of the Wireless Hackers, Cyber Criminal & Invest Quest. Finish Full Page Ad Project: All students had time to finish their project and print it in full color. Click here to enlarge the project description. Start First Aid Posters: This is the final 8th grade project in MS Publisher. Students are to use all the skills they have learned in Publisher to create a series of three first aid posters that share a graphical theme that they created. Information and pictures can be used from the internet but all resources must be correctly cited on each poster using the correct MLA Works Cited Format. This is a cross-curricular project so students may submit their finished first aid posters to their Health Teachers for extra credit. Click here to enlarge the project description. Office Yoga Break: Students are always reminded to take breaks from technology and to get exercise. As part of our break today we practiced a simple yoga stretch for your neck. Technology Current Event Video: We watched a video from about the newest tablet computers. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy November 27, 2012 104 minutes Internet Moment: Today we explored another free download from Google called SketchUp. This free CAD (computer aided design) program is great for giving students introductory skills that they would need to do any kind of design work in the future. It also has many applications in school. Students were given some time to experiment with the program and encouraged to download it at home. Start Full page Ad Project: Today students started a classic graphic design project to help them continue to develop their own sense of design and their skills in MS Publisher. Each student selected a full page, full color magazine advertisement to recreate in MS Publisher. The student version of the ad must advertize something different than the original but it should look very similar to the original. Click here to enlarge the project description. We did not finish this project today. Technology Current Events Video: We watched a video from 60 Minutes about which offers free 10 minute video lectures in mathematics and many other academic subjects. November 20, 2012 22 minutes* Internet Moment: Today we explored Google Earth and discussed how a 3 dimensional virtual environment can be used to augment human memory. We started by watching a short video from the TV show The Mentalist about using the memory palace technique. We then discussed how people had to memorize much more before technology gave us so may ways to store information (books, calendars, pictures, the internet...). Students were then given time to explore Google Earth as an example of a huge, computer generated, virtual memory palace.We also talked about how the most popular video games that students play are so engaging because of the 3 dimensional visual imagery that is used in them. This activity helped to demonstrate the effectiveness of using 3D spatial references, such as the virtual environment of Google Earth, to augment memory. During the Holiday Break: Students were encouraged to download Google Earth at home over the Thanksgiving break and spend some time learning some geography. Technology Current Event Video: To wrap up this activity we watched a video about how to improve your memory using the memory palace technique. * class time was shorter today due to the half-day conference schedule November 16, 2012 94 minutes Internet Moment: Today students had an opportunity to play a financial education game from Visa called: Financial Football. Students had 5 minutes to play the game which involved answering multiple choice questions that tested their financial literacy. Finished Basic HTML and JavaScript: Today students finished making their index page in notepad. We changed the color and font of the text, added an image, turned an image and words into hyperlinks and adding some free javascript from to experiment. Students were also shown how embed code can be used to insert a video from YouTube into a website. Technology Current Event Video:  Today we watched the first part of a Ted presentation by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web and HTML, about the next Web. We then watched part of a presentation that Tim Berners-Lee referred to by Hans Rosling where he demonstrates a new way of displaying vast amounts to statistical data on the internet through his website November 14, 2012 104 minutes Internet Moment: Students explored Google Books as a resource for free ebooks and they were shown how to search the text of a book. The legal controversy surrounding the Google Books Project and copyright laws as well as the settlement to date was also discussed. Downloading ebooks from Google Books to various devices such as ebook readers, tablets, computers and smart phones was also discussed. Finish the Publisher Brochures: Students finished the copyright brochure project that we had started last class. Specific instructions were given about two sided printing and how to tri fold a brochure. Office Yoga Break: Since we were doing a lot of typing today we took a break and did a simple office yoga stretch for our necks and then got up and moved around. Students are always reminded to take breaks every 30-40 minutes when working on the computer. Started Basic HTML: Students learned about computer coding by creating a website in basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Students typed the HTML into notepad to create a simple webpage with a specific background color. The use of hexadecimal numbers to create colors was explained and students had a chance to change their background colors. Next class we will adjust their font color and face and add hyperlinks and images. Click here to enlarge the project description. Technology Current Event Video: We watched a video from the Wall Street Journal about YouTube's Copyright School which is an example of the steps YouTube was taking to prevent and minimize copyright violations. November 12, 2012 44 minutes Internet Moment: Today students had an opportunity to explore Google Maps. They found their houses, our school, got directions, used the street view cameras and explored the world. Start Publisher Brochure Project: Students continued to work on this project. There was a demonstration about adjusting bullet lists and line spacing. Click here to enlarge the project description. We will finish this project next class. Technology Current Event Video: Unfortunately we ran out of time and didn't do a video today. November 8, 2012 94 minutes Internet Moment: Students looked at a website from Microsoft today called They were able to view 360 degree pictures from all around the world. Start Publisher Brochure Project: Students take an existing brochure for computer class and recreate it in Publisher 2010 using a premade template as a starting point.  Students also practiced their typing by re-typing the text. Click here to enlarge the project description. We will finish this project next class. Office Yoga Break: During long classes like this one students are always reminded to take breaks and get exercise. Students shouldn't spend more than 30-40 minutes in front of a computer without taking a break. For our break today we practiced a simple yoga stretch for your back. Technology Current Event Video: Today we watched a Wall Street Journal video about a new way to telecommute using robots. November 5, 2012 104 minutes Internet Moment: Today our students had an opportunity to view which demonstrates Windows Azure and Microsoft Silverlight to create very large images that you can easily pan and zoom through. As an example of a project students checked out the NMS Mosaic Project. Start Publisher Font Guide Project: After a presentation about the origins of fonts, the two main categories for fonts (serif & san serif), and some ideas about the best uses for each category, students proceeded to then make a Font Guide in MS Publisher. The completed student project should look just like the original and contain 6 fonts chosen by the teacher and 8 fonts of their choice. We also discussed the concept of WYSIWYG and some strategies for making graphic arts on the computer. Students finished this project today. Click here to enlarge the project description. Office Yoga Stretch: Students are always reminded to not spend too much time sitting in front of computers without taking breaks. Today we practiced a simple yoga stretch to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. After the stretch everyone had some time to get up and move around the room. Technology Current Events Video: Today we watched parts of a TED video featuring Vijay Kumar from the University of Pennsylvania in which he demonstrated robots that fly and cooperate. October 30 & November 1, 2012 Classes cancelled due to storm damage in our area. October 26, 2012 104 minutes Internet Moment: Students were shown and told that they can check here anytime to review what work was done in class. Their parents will also be sent an email with a link to this website so they can also review what we are doing in computer class. We also checked out and students were shown how to use this resource to check our local weather, the national forecasts and weather events such as Tropical Storm Sandy. Favorite Links Project: Students started and finished this project today. Each student made a simple single file webpage in Word. They are used a table to layout 6 favorite websites with words and pictures as hyperlinks to their favorite websites sites. As part of this project we talked about using and formatting tables and websites that were "appropriate" for school. Click here to enlarge the project description. Typing Test: All students took a typing test using Each student had 10 minutes to take the 1 minute test multiple times. Their best adjusted speed was recorded and graphed in an Excel spreadsheet. The average typing speed for this class was: 42.2 WPM Click here for more information about typing speeds at Newtown Middle School. Publisher Logo Project: We started with an introduction to MS Publisher 2012 and a description of why learning basic graphic design skills is important in communicating your ideas effectively. Students then became familiar with Publisher 2010 by making a simple logo. After the logo was completed we saved it as a JPEG file for display on a webpage in a future project.  Click here to enlarge the project description. Technology Current Event Video: Today we watched the first half of a TED presentation by John Maeda, the President for the Rhode Island School of Design. In his presentation he talks about the connections between art, technology and design which is a good follow-up to our Logo Project and introducing our students to the use of technology in graphic arts. * Class time was shorter today due to morning circles October 24, 2012 44 minutes Internet Moment: Today we looked at Bing News & Google News. Students were shown how to use these popular news aggregaters to find current events, search for specific news stories, and find news videos. Finish the MLA Paragraph Project: Students opened and finished this project today. There was also a demonstration on: changing line spacing, changing the font and size of text, setting up hanging indents and using the header and printing on both sides. All students should be able to set-up their Word Documents in the MLA Format. Assigned Seats: All students have an assigned seat/computer in computer class. Students have a responsibility to report any problems with the machine they have been assigned to. In this way we all participate in maintaining our school computers. Technology Current Event Video: Today we watched a video that was a follow-up to a TED Video shown to most 7th grade classes last year about 6th Sense Technology. In this new video the ideas of MIT Media Lab student Pranav Mistry are developed further. October 22, 2012 91 minutes Introduction to Basic Computer Skills Class:Basic rules and classroom procedures were explained. Students were specifically reminded that because technology is constantly changing they should get into the habit of helping each other out and demonstrating the ability to learn new computer skills through experimentation. All students reported that they had helped an adult with computer skills but they also need to get used to helping each other. Log On & Explore: All students were given time to explore the start menu and the various programs available to them at school. Project: Students were shown how to use the online photo editor to edit a photograph. Students then shared their modified photos using various district network resources and demonstrated basic skills such as drag & drop. The best use of the H:, S: & X: drives was also explained. Start MLA Paragraph: All 8th grade students must demonstrate the ability to use the MLA format (which is used at Council Rock and most colleges) in MS Word 2010. Click here to enlarge the project description. We will complete this project next class. Technology Current Event: We ended class today with a short video from ABC News about the release of Windows 8 and other technology developments. |