October 18, 2018 - LAST CLASS 91 minutes
Closure to Computer Class: Students were reminded that computers are constantly changing and that they have to learn to adjust to new programs, new hardware and new ways of using technology all the time. We are all constantly learning to adapt to new technology. Students were also reminded that this was their only required computer class here at Council Rock and that should they wish to learn more about computer technology they should look carefully at the High School Program Planning Guide for the many elective classes that incorporate computer skills. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.6.8.M, 15.2.8.E) Technology Current Event Video: For our last current event this year we watched a TED Presentation by Gary Kovacs, the CEO of Mozilla, about how internet users are tracked. He demonstrated how many companies were following him and his daughter when they were online during a typical day. During the presentation he demonstrated how a free download for Firefox called Collusion (now called Lightbeam) can be used to find out who is tracking you online. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.4.8.A, 15.5.8.J, 15.9.8.L, 15.9.8.M) October 16, 2018 110 minutes ![]() Basic HTML: Students learned about computer coding by creating a website in basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Students typed the HTML into Notepad to create a simple webpage. Next class we will work on changing the background color, the font color, the font style and inserting images. Students were also shown how to embed a youtube video into their page and everyone will have some time to experiment with adding free Java-Script from  Dynamic Drive.com. Click here to enlarge the project description.(PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.S, 15.4.8.H) HTML Tutorial Video: As part of the demonstration we watched a short video about what HTML code is by Daniel Davis. Students were encouraged to learn more on their own using online tutorials or coding activities from KhanAcademy. Web Server Demonstration:  Students were shown how updates are made to websites.  The use of Google Sites to quickly edit a web page was demonstrated. Using a web hosting service to update a website was also demonstrated. Technology Current Event Video: We finished class today with a short video about Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of HTML and the World Wide Web. October 12, 2018 44 minutes ![]() ![]() Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a video from Code.org about why schools should teach computer coding. October 10, 2018 44 minutes* Google Earth Tour Quiz: As a follow-up to our previous tour on Google Earth students were challenged to list everywhere they had gone and what they had seen on their tour of the 3 dimensional visual imagery in Google Earth last class. This activity helped to demonstrate the effectiveness of using 3D spatial references, such as the virtual environment of Google Earth, to augment memory. QUIZ: Where I went on Google Earth (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.4.8.A, 15.6.8.M) Poster Voting Results: All 8th grade Computer classes participated in voting for the best posters that were created in MS Publisher. Below are the winning posters that will be printed. The students who made these posters were asked to turn them in to be printed in full color. ![]() ![]() Hour of Code:  Today our class participated in the Hour of Code. We started by viewing the source code for this webpage.  Students were told that this code, a mixture of HTML and JavaScript, was the list of specific instructions that tell your web browser how to display the webpage.  We then watched the tutorial video below to introduce the online coding activity.  Students then went to the online Blockly Minecraft Tutorial to write JavaScript.  Technology Current Event Video: We finished class today with a short video from Boston Dynamics demonstrating a Robot called Atlas. This was an example of a modern day DARPA project. * Class time was shorter today due to the half day schedule October 8, 2018 110 minutes Internet Moment: Today we explored the online version of  Google Earth and discussed how a three dimensional virtual environment can be used to augment human memory. We started by discussing what spatial memory is and how it is used to make modern video games so engaging. Students were then introduced to the memory palace or method of loci as an effective way to use 3 dimensional visual imagery to help a person remember large amounts of information. We then went to Google Earth and began a tour of the earth. The whole class followed a specific list of locations. Next week all students will take a quiz to see how much of the Google Earth tour they can recall. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.4.8.A, 15.6.8.M) First Aid Posters: Students finished this project in class today.  Students used information and pictures from the internet and correctly cited them using the correct MLA Works Cited Format.  This is a cross-curricular project and students can submit their finished first aid posters to their Health Teachers for extra credit. Click here to enlarge the project description. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.H, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.B) Poster Voting: Our class looked at the Poster projects from all three 8th grade classes and voted on their favorites. Students were reminded to look for things like good color choices, easy to read fonts and good graphics when making their selections. The best posters will be printed in full color and posted around our school. Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a video from PBS News Hour about the effects of screen time on teenage brains. October 4, 2018 44 minutes Internet Moment: Today students had an opportunity to play a financial education game from Visa called: Financial Football. Students had 5 minutes to play the game which involved answering multiple choice questions that tested their financial literacy. We then discussed any terms that confused them. Students were also reminded that they can go back to PracticalMoneySkills.com on their own. Students were also reminded to check out the Personal Finance & Investing class at our high school. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.6.8.B, 15.6.8.G, 15.6.8.H, 15.6.8.I, 15.6.8.K) (ISTE Standards: 1c, 5c, 5a) Finish Full Page Ad Project: All students had time to finish the advertising project that we started last class. Finished projects were turned in using a shared Google Slideshow. Students also printed out a final draft in class.  Click here to enlarge the project description. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.D, 15.4.8.G, 15.9.8.A) First Aid Posters: This is the final 8th grade project in MS Publisher. Students will use all the skills they have learned in Publisher to create a series of three first aid posters that share a unique graphical theme that they created.  Students can use information and pictures from the internet but all resources need to be correctly cited on each poster using the correct MLA Works Cited Format.  Students were reminded to use Noodle Tools (available to CRSD students) or a free online citation tool like CiteFast.com to make the works cited.  This is a cross-curricular project and students can submit their finished first aid posters to their Health Teachers for extra credit.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.H, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.B) FIRST AID PROJECT DIRECTIONS: Technology Current Event Video: Unfortunately we ran out of time for a video today. October 2, 2018 91 minutes Internet Moment: Today our students were introduced to the "joy of statistics" by viewing Gap Minder.org which is a free online resource where statistics from all around the world are presented in an easy to understand visual format. We looked at the "Wealth & Health of Nations" chart. As a demonstration of how the website works we tracked the life expectancy and income changes in the USA and Japan over the last 200 years. We also looked at how 8th grade math scores had changed in Japan, Canada and the United States. Student were also shown that countries where students have poor dental hygiene also tend to have higher math test scores as an example of a spurious correlation. Everyone then had time to explore the website on their own. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.4.8.A, 15.7.8.A, 15.7.8.F, 15.7.8.H, 15.7.8.L, 15.8.8.A, 15.9.8.J) Online Game:  Our class played Kahoot with some 8th grade English language students at Boglári Altalanos Iskola, a Primary School in Balatonboglár, Hungary.  It was a 10 question Geography quiz. Aryan from our class came in first place, Bella came in second and Andrew came in third place.  We used a Google Hangout to share the Kahoot questions with the other school.  We also shared video so our students could see each other. ![]() ![]() The view of the game at Boglári Altalanos Iskola in Hungary Full page Ad Project: Today students started a classic graphic design project to help them continue to develop their own sense of design and their skills in MS Publisher. Each student selected a full page, full color advertisement to recreate in MS Publisher. The student version of the ad must advertise something different than the original but it should look very similar to the original. As a class we created a list of activities, sports teams and events at Holland Middle School to advertise.  Click here to enlarge the project description. We will finish this project next class.  (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.D, 15.4.8.G, 15.9.8.A) Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class with a video of Hans Rosling talking about the changes in statistics over the last 200 years. September 28, 2018 110 minutes ![]() Finish Brochure Project: All students had time to finish typing this project today. Students were reminded to use Google Images and Bing Images to find free images that were in the public domain.    Everyone had a chance to finish this project in class today.   Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.1.5.B, 15.3.5.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.5.D, 15.3.8.D, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.G, 15.3.8.U, 15.6.8.L) Library Database Project: Students worked in small group to create a shared Google Doc with the username and password information for 9 Library Databases that our students have access to. To do this project students had to access their CRSD Google Accounts, create and share a Google Doc and then search online for the URL's for the various databases. Students then made their own copies of the shared documents and completed their project by arranging it using a table.  Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a short video from PBS OffBook about careers in graphic design.   Copyright Brochure Project:   Students also had a chance to work on their brochure project today. Once they had finished they could review a rough draft with the teacher. Several students finished and printed this project in class today. Everyone will have time to finish the project next class.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.1.5.B, 15.3.5.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.5.D, 15.3.8.D, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.G, 15.3.8.U, 15.6.8.L) Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a TED presentation by Margaret Stewart about how copyright issues are handled by YouTube.  91 minutes Internet Moment: Today we looked at two online resources for fonts. DaFont.com offers over 34,000 fonts that are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or in the public domain. These fonts can be downloaded and installed but students were also shown how they can use the Snipping Tool to get images of the fonts they might like. Students were also shown how they could make their own font using a website like YourFonts.com. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.E, 15.6.5.M, 15.4.5.A) Finish Font Guide Project:  All students had time to finish the MS Publisher project that we started last class.  Everyone printed and turned in their finished font guide.   Office Yoga Break:  Students are always reminded to not spend too much time sitting in front of computers.  For our break today we practiced a simple yoga stretch for your ankles and then everyone had a chance to get up and move around the room some. Copyright Brochure Project:  Students take an existing brochure and recreate it in Publisher 2016 using a template as a starting point. The original brochure they were given was about copyright laws. Students were shown how to use Bing Images to find public domain images that they could even use for commercial purposes. Students also practiced their typing today by re-typing the text of the original brochure. Everyone will have time to finish and print this project next class. Click here to enlarge the project description. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.9.5.L, 15.3.8.E, 15.3.5.H, 15.4.5.K, 15.4.8.B, 15.3.8.U) Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a short video from Pond5.com about how public domain works. In the video the three ways content enters the public domain is explained (through government, through dedication and time). September 20, 2018 110 minutes
Online Game: Our class played an online corporate logo game from Kahoot. Using a Google Hangout to broadcast the game was also demonstrated. After the game we discussed why logos are so common in our graphic rich world and how they can be very effective way to communicate.  In our class Bella came in first place, Liv came in second place and Aryan came in third. ![]() Publisher Logo Project: We started with an introduction to MS Publisher 2016. Publisher was described as a graphic design program which is used to express your ideas visually. The field of graphic design was also explained.  Students were reminded that learning basic graphic design skills will help them to communicate their ideas effectively. Students then became familiar with Publisher 2016 by making a simple logo. We saved this project and shared them with the class during a gallery walk activity. Click here to enlarge the project description. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.S, 15.4.5.G, 15.6.5.M, 15.3.8.X, 15.9.8.A, 15.9.5.L) ![]() ![]() Font Conference Video:  As a follow-up to the Font Presentation we watched a short video from College Humor about a fictitious "Font Conference".
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