January 29, 2014 - LAST CLASS 44 minutes 91 minutesGoogle Earth Tour Quiz:  As a follow-up to our previous tour on Google Earth students were challenged to list everywhere they had gone and what they had seen on their tour of the 3 dimensional visual imagery in Google Earth. This activity helped to demonstrate the effectiveness of using 3D spatial references, such as the virtual environment of Google Earth, to augment memory.    QUIZ:  Where I went on Google Earth Today  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.4.8.A, 15.6.8.M) Internet Moment: Students had a chance to explore FreeRice.com today. This website, created by John Breen who also created Poverty.com, gives students and others a chance to practice their vocabulary skills while helping to support the United Nations World Food Programme.  After having time to use the site students were asked to prove whether or not this website was bogus or real. After doing some research we learned that though it is a legitimate website (according to snopes.com) another website called the Daily Cow claimed that FreeRice.com does not donate exactly 10 grains of rice for every correct answer. We then looked at a website about the 1993 Velcro Crop Failure in California. This bogus website and others like it (DHMO Awareness, Bureau of Sasquatch Affairs, Tree Octopus) serve as a good reminder to students that they have to be very skeptical of what they find online and to always independently verify the facts themselves.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.I, 15.4.8.A, 15.6.8.L) Make-up Time: Since this is our last class all students have time to make up any work they may have missed. All projects were handed back and students could submit anything they missed or re-submit a project that they hadn't finished for full credit. Closure to Computer Class: Students were reminded that computers are constantly changing and that they have to learn to adjust to new programs, new hardware and new ways of using technology all the time. We are all constantly learning to adapt to new technology.  Students were also reminded that this was their only required computer class here at Council Rock and that should they wish to learn more about computer technology they should look carefully at the High School Program Planning Guide for the many elective classes that incorporate computer skills.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.6.8.M, 15.2.8.E) January 27, 2013 Internet Moment:  Today we explored Google Earth and discussed how a 3 dimensional virtual environment can be used to augment human memory.  We talked about how the most popular video games that students play are so engaging because of the 3 dimensional visual imagery that is used in them. Students were introduced to the memory palace or method of loci as an effective way to use 3 dimensional visual imagery to help you remember large amounts of information.  Students then opened Google Earth and we began a tour of the earth, the sky, Mars and the moon. The whole class followed a specific list of locations.  Next class there will be a quiz to see how much of the tour everyone retained.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.4.8.A, 15.6.8.M) Microsoft Expression Demonstration:  We started class today with a webpage editing demonstration.  The School intranet homepage is located on the district S: drive so it is accessible to all students and staff.  Today students were shown how this intranet page is edited MS Expression.  Finish and Turn in Websites: We used MS Expression Web 3.0, to open and then edit the index.html page which we had previously created using HTML code in notepad. Today we used MS Expression to edit our HTML. Students added a table and hyperlinks to all their projects so that this page became the homepage of their Computer Class Portfolio. The finished websites were then turned in using our district network drive. Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a short video from "Stuff to Blow Your Mind" about Constructing a Memory Palace. January 23, 2014 104 minutes Internet Moment: Today our students were introduced to the "joy of statistics" by viewing GapMinder.org which is a free online resource where statistics from all around the world are presented in an easy to understand visual format. We looked at the "Wealth & Health of Nations" chart. As a demonstration of how the website works we tracked the life expectancy and income changes in the USA and Japan over the last 200 years.  Students then had time to explore the website on their own. Finish First Aid Posters:  All students had time today to finish this project and print a rough draft in black and white.  Each student had a chance to review their rough draft with the teacher before printing their final draft in full color. CiteFast.com was also demonstrated. Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.G, 15.3.8.H, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.B, 15.6.8.L) Office Yoga Break: Students are always reminded to take breaks from the computer and their gaming systems and to get exercise. Today we practiced a simple yoga stretch, a seated twist, and students got up and moved around some afterwards. Review of Our High School Computer Classes:  Students were reminded that this class is the basic computer skills class that every Council Rock student is required to take and that any future computer classes that they take at the high school will be elective classes.  We specifically discussed all the different directions and careers that students can pursue in computer technology.  From website design to robotics to programming to information technology and business applications to courses at the Middle Bucks Institute of Technology, our high school offers many opportunities.  All students were reminded to check the High School Program Planning Guide for more information.  We also discussed the importance of planning ahead and networking in developing personal career goals.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.2.8.E, 15.2.5.J, 15.2.8.K) Formal Interviewing Using Skype:  After researching course options at our high school our students practiced formal interviewing techniques by Skyping with Mrs. Zablatnik, an English language and History teacher at HLW in St. Veit, Austria, to learn about school in Austria.  Mrs. Zablatnik's school specializes in preparing students for the hotel and hospitality industry.  We learned about famous Austrians such as Mozart and the former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Our students then had a chance to ask her some questions about her school.  We learned that in Austria education was only compulsory for 9 years and that after that many students went to a college, trade or professional training school.  Our students were surprised to learn that Austrian students in apprenticeship programs who were only two years older than them would be paud $400-$1000 a month.   After the interview we reviewed what went well and what we could improve next time.  (PA-BCIT: 15.2.8.H, 15.3.8.K, 15.3.8.M, 15.7.8.I, 15.7.8.J) Technology Current Event Video: We finished class by watching a TED presentation by Hans Rosling, the creator of the GapMinder.org website we had looked at earlier.  In the video he personalized his statistical research by talking about the effects of washing machines on human societies.  January 21, 2014 - SNOW DAY - NO SCHOOL 0 minutes 91 minutes Internet Moment:  Our class started today by exploring some of the new features in Google Maps.  We explored satellite photos of school and the Newtown area.  We visited San Paulo, Brazil and then Oslo, Norway.  Students had a chance to explore the fjords along the coast of Norway in 3D.  We also watched a short video about wingsuit base jumping. Finally, our students were told to find the Cathedral School if St. Raymond in Joliet, Illinois which is where the class we were about to meet was located. Online Collaboration Project: Each student used a blank Google Drawing that was provided by their teacher to make a Venn Diagram of their favorite foods. Their partner for this project was an 8th grade student from the computer class at the Cathedral of St. Raymond Catholic School in Joliet, Illinois. You can view the example that was used explain the project here. This project was an example of what online collaboration might look and feel like in the future. All students printed and submitted their finished Venn Diagrams.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.M, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.T, 15.3.8.U, 15.3.12.W, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.D, 15.4.8.F) Work on First Aid Posters:  After completing the online collaboration project all students had time to work on their first aid posters, print them and review a rough draft with their teacher.  Some students finished and printed their final draft in full color. Everyone will have time to finish and print their final draft next class. Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.H, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.B) Using Google Drive to Collaborate:  To make this Venn diagram our students used an online Google Drawing that was set-up by their teacher in advance.  Students were shown how they can easily make their own online Google Presentations (if they have a Gmail account and access to Google Drive).  Sharing presentations with others was also demonstrated.  As an example of how online collaboration works we looked at the 121212-1212 Project which was organized by a teacher in Denmark and involved 30 teachers from around the world. Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today by watching the first part of a tutorial by Anson Alexander, of ansonalex.com, about how to collaborate online using Google Drive.  Next class we will start an online collaboration project. January 14, 2014 104 minutes Internet Moment:  Today all students had a chance to visit www.sos.fbi.gov and try the online learning activities for 8th graders that are there. This is part of a monthly competition that is run by the FBI and the intent of the online activities is to help students develop internet safety awareness.  After having time to complete the 8 activities on the "8th Grade Island" our students attempted the "Final Exam" for that level.  At the end of the month we'll see how well they performed compared to other 8th graders across the country.  An overview of the information covered in this activity can be viewed here. (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.6.8.M, 15.4.8.B, 15.4.8.A) Office Yoga Break:  During long classes like this one students are always reminded to take breaks and get exercise. Students shouldn't spend more than 30-40 minutes in front of a computer without taking a break. For our break today we practiced a simple office yoga stretch. Start First Aid Posters: This is the final 8th grade project in MS Publisher. Students are to use all the skills they have learned in Publisher to create a series of three first aid posters that share a graphical theme that they created. Information and pictures can be used from the internet but all resources must be correctly cited on each poster using the correct MLA Works Cited Format. There was a demonstration on the use of CiteFast.com.  This is a cross-curricular project so students may submit their finished first aid posters to their Health Teachers for extra credit.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.H, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.B) Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today by watching a 3 minute long accelerated video of a professional graphic designer making a poster using Adobe Photoshop. January 10, 2014 94 minutes Internet Moment:  Today we looked at three online resources that students could use to find free ebooks and MP3 recordings of books.  We started with the Project Gutenberg (Gutenberg.org) which offers free access to 42,000 ebooks and over 100,000 additional free ebooks from additional resources.  We then looked at Lit2Go (etc.usf.edu/lit2go) which is a free online collection of audiobooks in MP3 format that is available from the University of South Florida.  Finally we visited Google Books (books.google.com) and discussed how to access and search the text of the free ebooks available there.  We also discussed copyright laws and how these books came to be available online or in the public domain.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.1.5.B, 15.2.5.L, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.B) Full Page Ad Project: All students had time to work on their full page ad project today. Student had an opportunity to print a rough draft on scrap paper that they could review with the teacher. Final drafts were printed in full color and turned in today.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.D, 15.4.8.G, 15.9.8.A) Office Yoga Break:  Students are always reminded to not spend too much time sitting in front of computers.  Breaks should be taken at least every 30-40 minutes.  For our break today we practiced a simple yoga stretch for your neck and then everyone had a chance to get up and move around the room some. Alphabet Project for Students in Nepal: We watched the first part of a YouTube video about the SAV School (Shantideep Adarsh Vidhyasadan) near Babmait in Nepal.  In the video the director of the school, Govinda Prasad Panthy gives a tour of the school.  As a Publisher project our class then made alphabet signs for their classrooms.  As part of the project our students had to research items representing each letter that would be common to students in Nepal. The finished projects will be laminated and mailed to Nepal.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.2.5.O, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.G, 15.3.5.X, 15.4.8.A, 15.4.8.D) Technology Current Event Video: We finished class by watching the rest of a YouTube video filmed at the SAV School. January 8, 2014 91 minutes Internet Moment:  Today students had an opportunity to play a financial education game from Visa called:  Financial Football. Students had 5 minutes to play the game which involved answering multiple choice questions that tested their financial literacy.  We then discussed any terms that confused them.  Students were also reminded that they can go back to PracticalMoneySkills.com on their own.  Full page Ad Project: Today students started a classic graphic design project to help them continue to develop their own sense of design and their skills in MS Publisher. Each student selected a full page, full color magazine advertisement to recreate in MS Publisher. The student version of the ad must advertise something different than the original but it should look very similar to the original.  Students were also shown how to copy and paste images into either MS Word or PowerPoint and use that program to remove the background in a picture.  We will finish this project next class.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.A, 15.3.8.B, 15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.D, 15.4.8.G, 15.9.8.A) Technology Current Event Video:  To finish class today we watched the first part of a TED presentation by Rory Sutherland about the importance of small details in advertising. In the talk he gave several examples of good marketing and behavioral economics.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.9.8.A, 15.9.8.E) January 6, 2014 104 minutes Internet Moment:  Today we discussed what a wiki is and visited the largest wiki in the internet: Wikipedia. Students were shown how easily a wikipedia article can be edited and we discussed some of the reason it can't be used in academic work.  However, students were shown what parts of a wikipedia article they could use to help them when they are doing research for school projects.  We also looked at an edited version of Wikipedia that is intended to be used by students.  The Wikipedia Selection for Schools which was created by the SOS Children's Villages which is a not for profit group in the United Kingdom. Check Grades:  Since we are at the halfway point in this class students were asked to log into the Home Access Center and check their computer class grades.  Students were also reminded that if they could not log in their parents had to go to the Newtown Middle School website and follow the directions at the bottom of the webpage to create a student account.  All students were shown how to access the directions online. Finish Basic HTML:  Students finished creating a basic webpage in HTML code today. We made  adjustments to this page that included adding a background color, font color, font style, and inserting images and adding a hyperlink. Students were also shown how to insert free Javascript from DynamicDrive.com and how a video could be inserted into a webpage using embed code.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.S, 15.4.8.H) Office Yoga Break: Students are always reminded to not spend too much time in front of computers and to take breaks every 30-40 minutes. Today we practiced a simple yoga stretch that helps prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.  Before the stretch the causes and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome were explained to the class.  After the stretch all students had an opportunity to take a short break and move around.  (PA-BCIT Standard:  15.4.5.D,) Technology Current Event Video:  To finish class today we watched a short video from BlueHost.com about how the internet works and where webpages are stored. January 2, 2014 44 minutes Internet Moment:  We looked at zoom.it today which is a free screen zooming service that is owned by Microsoft.  Students were then shown two other online examples of the  screen zooming technology:  The NMS Mosaic Project and the Deep Zoom image of Yosemite National Park.  Students had time to explore these websites. Introduction to a Web Conferencing:  Students were introduced to what a webinar or web conference is and what online education could look like for them in the future.  AnyMeeting.com was used to project presentations from the teacher's desktop to the student's screen and the use of webcams in a webinar was also demonstrated.    Started Basic HTML: Students learned about computer coding by creating a website in basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Students typed the HTML into notepad to create a simple webpage.  Next class we will make  adjustments to this page that include adding a background color, font color, font style, and inserting images and adding a hyperlink.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.S, 15.4.8.H) Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today by watching a short video from EuroNews about Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML code and the world wide web.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.4.8.A) December 19, 2013 91 minutes Internet Moment:  Today we looked at two online resources for fonts. DaFont.com offers over 20,000 fonts that are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or in the public domain.  These fonts can be downloaded and installed but students were also shown how they can use the Snipping Tool to get images of the fonts they might like.  Students were also shown how they could make their own font using a website like YourFonts.com.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.E, 15.6.5.M, 15.4.5.A) Hour of Code:  Today our class participated in the Hour of Code. We started by going to the Favorite Links webpage that we had previously made in Word and viewing the source code.  Students were told that this code, a mixture of HTML and JavaScript, was the list of specific instructions that tell your web browser how to display the webpage. When students saved their Word document as a "single file webpage" Microsoft Word wrote this code for them.  We then watched the tutorial video below to introduce the online coding activity.  Students then went to the online Blockly Maze Tutorial to write JavaScript.   Office Yoga Break:  During long classes like this one students are always reminded to take breaks and get exercise. Students shouldn't spend more than 30-40 minutes in front of a computer without taking a break. For our break today we practiced a simple office yoga stretch. Coding with Scratch:  Students were introduced to Scratch.MIT.edu today and they all had some time to explore this visual programming environment that was created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  The video to the right displays several student created projects and demonstrates the basic use of Scratch.  Technology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a video from code.org about what most schools don't teach - computer coding.  This video featured many famous and not so famous people talking about how they learned to code. December 17, 2013 104 minutes Internet Moment:  Today we explored NewsMap.jp which is a graphical interpretation of the top news stories on Google News that was created by Marcos Weskamp, a self described software architect.  He is was also part of the team that founded Flipboard which seeks to bring the design experience of magazines to web and tablet technology. Publisher Logo Project: We started with an introduction to MS Publisher 2010 today. Publisher was described as a graphic design program which is used to express your ideas visually.  The field of graphic design was also explained. Students were reminded that learning basic graphic design skills will help them to communicate their ideas effectively.  Students then became familiar with Publisher 2010 by making a simple logo. We saved this project and shared them with the class. Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.S, 15.4.5.G, 15.6.5.M, 15.3.8.X, 15.9.8.A, 15.9.5.L) Font Presentation:  In this presentation the development of the two basic font families (serif & sans serif) as well as the best uses for each of them was covered. Students were also shown how they read primarily through identifying sight words and why it's so hard to spell and grammar check your own work. Start Publisher Font Guide Project: After a presentation about the origins of fonts, the two main categories for fonts (serif & san serif) and the best uses for each category students proceeded to make a Font Guide in MS Publisher. The final student project should look just like the original. We also discussed the concept of WYSIWYG in graphic design on computers.  Click here to enlarge the project description. We will finish this project next class.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.E, 15.4.8.G, 15.4.2.K, 15.3.8.X) Office Yoga Break:  Students are always reminded to not spend too much time sitting in front of computers.  Breaks should be taken at least every 30-40 minutes.  For our break today we practiced a simple yoga stretch for your neck and then everyone had a chance to get up and move around the room some. Font Conference Video:  As a follow-up to the Font Presentation we watched a short video from College Humor about a fictitious "Font Conference": December 13, 2013 44 minutes Internet Moment:  Students were shown Weather.gov (the National Weather Service) as an example of a huge online database that's full of real-time and archived information. We checked our local weather and spent a few minutes checking the satellite images and Doppler radar for the whole United States. Students were also shown how to access the hourly weather graphs for our area to get precipitation predictions.  We also discussed how federal government publications, such as the NWS website, can not be copyrighted and are therefore in the public domain.  Students were reminded that the NWS is the original source for most of the weather information they receive on the internet, TV, and their phones. This website was also used as an example of "unbiased" information on the internet.  (PA BCIT Standards:  15.3.5.V, 15.4.8.A, 15.6.5.L) Finish Favorite Links Project:  All students had time to finish this project today. Students were shown the various "save as" options in Word and how to save their project as a single file webpage in word.  This project will become the first webpage in the website that we will build in this class.  Click here to enlarge the project description.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.E, 15.4.5.G) Technology Current Event Video:  We watched a TED presentation by Keller Rinaudo about a smart phone powered mini robot and some of the things it could do. (PA BCIT Standards:  15.4.5.A, 15.4.8.A) December 11, 2013 91 minutes Class Blog:  Students were shown TodayInComputerClass.com and told that they can check here anytime to review what work was done in class.  We also discussed what a web log or blog was, how blogs developed into microblogs like Twitter and now mobile phone based apps like Instagram.  This website is the blog or web log for our class. Students were also told that their parents will be sent an email with a link to this website so they can also review what we are doing in computer class each day. Online Survey About Natural Disasters:  We visited the class blog for the students at Winners Education, an English language school near Athens in Greece, and participated in their online survey about Natural Disaster Readiness.  Hopefully the Greek students will share the data they collected with us later. Finish the MLA Paragraph Project:  All students had time to finish this project today. After a demonstration by the teacher all students finished typing this project and printed the finished document two-sided and turned it in.  All students should be able to set-up their Word Documents in the MLA Format.  (PA-B.C.I.T. Standards: 15.3.5.A, 15.3.8.A) Assigned Seats: All students have an assigned seat/computer in computer class. Students have a responsibility to report any problems with the machine they have been assigned. In this way we all participate in maintaining our school computers.  Students were also reminded to adjust the keyboard, mouse, chair and monitor to meet their ergonomic needs.  (PA-BCIT Standard:  15.4.5.D, 15.4.2.B, 15.4.8.F) Typing Test: All students took a typing test using TypingTest.com. Each student had 10 minutes to take the 1 minute test multiple times. Their best adjusted speed was recorded and graphed in an Excel spreadsheet. The average typing speed for this class was:  44.5 WPM  Click here for more information about typing speeds at Newtown Middle School.  We also discussed this graph: ![]() ![]() Favorite Links Project:  Students started and finished this project today. Each student made a simple single file webpage in Word. They are used a table to layout 6 favorite websites with words and pictures as hyperlinks to their favorite websites sites. As part of this project we talked about using and formatting tables and websites that were "appropriate" for school.  We will finish this project next class.  Click here to enlarge the project description. Technology Current Event Video:  To finish class today we watched a short video from CNET about the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop Keyboard.  (PA-BCIT Standard:  15.4.8.C) December 9, 2013 87 minutes* Internet Moment:  Students were asked to compare three popular news aggregator websites:  Google News, Bing News and Yahoo.  We looked at their home pages, their features and their overall appearance.  Though the results were split, a plurality of our students said they preferred Google News when looking for current events online.  (PA BCIT Standards:  15.3.8.E, 15.6.5.L) Computer Class Survey: All students take a computer class survey. The results of this survey are used to guide the instruction for the class. You can view the survey to the right.  Click to enlarge. We then used the survey as the outline for the following presentation.  Basic Computer Knowledge Presentation:  Today students were shown a presentation based on the student computer knowledge survey that they had taken.  This introductory lecture covers basic background information that every student should know about computers such as the development of desktop computers (Apple, IBM & Microsoft), different computer operating systems, internet connection options, developing computer devices (like smart phones and tablet computers) and protecting yourself online.  We also discussed the importance of being careful about what you post online.  Students were reminded that last year 30% of college admission officers reported finding content online that caused them to reject a student's application.   Students were reminded that employers are using many of the same techniques to select candidates for job openings.  All students then had some time to check their current online presence by searching for themselves, their friends and their family members.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.1.5.B, 15.3.5.V, 15.3.8.T, 15.4.5.B, 15.6.8.M, 15.5.8.J, 15.4.5.A, 15.4.5.B, 15.3.5.T) Start MLA Paragraph: All 8th grade students must demonstrate the ability to use the MLA format (which is used at Council Rock and most colleges) in MS Word 2010.  Click here to enlarge the project description. This project involves several skills including:  double spacing, changing fonts and sizes, changing indentation settings and accessing the header.  All students should be able to set-up their Word Documents in the MLA Format.  We will finish this project next class.  (PA-B.C.I.T. Standards: 15.3.5.A, 15.3.8.A) * Class time to day was shorter due to the 2 hour delay scheduleTechnology Current Event Video:  We finished class today with a video from 8nownews.com in Las Vegas, Nevada about the use of social media searches by colleges and universities.  (PA-BCIT Standards:  15.2.5.M, 15.2.8.K, 15.8.8.M, 15.5.8.J, 15.4.5.A, 15.4.5.B) December 5, 2013 44 minutes Introduction to Basic Computer Skills Class: Basic rules and classroom procedures were explained. Students were specifically reminded that because technology is constantly changing they should get into the habit of helping each other out and demonstrating the ability to learn new computer skills through experimentation. All students reported that they had helped an adult with computer skills but they also need to get used to helping each other. Log On & Explore: All students were given time to explore the start menu and the various programs available to them at school. Pixlr.com Project: Students were shown how to use the online photo editor pixlr.com to edit a photograph.  Students then shared their modified photos using various district network resources and demonstrated basic skills such as drag & drop. The best use of the H:, S: & X: drives was also explained.  We also discussed professional digital photo editing with Adobe PhotoShop. (PA BCIT Standards: 15.4.8.F, 15.4.5.G) Technology Current Event Video:  Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to finish class with a video today. |