June 10-16, 2020 - Make-up Time Today starts the final phase of our Computer Class time. From June 10th to the 16th you have an opportunity to turn in anything that you missed. LOG INTO THE HAC: Starting in 7th grade you have your own account in the Home Access Center (HAC). If you have never accessed your grades before you can find the directions for doing so in your Council Rock Gmail. Search for an email called "HAC Support". Follow those directions to log in. Once you are in the HAC you should find that 10 participation points were posted for each activity that you completed. MAKE-UP ANY ACTIVITIES THAT YOU MISSED: Everything we did in class is posted below and in Canvas. The 10 ACTIVITIES are identified with RED ARROWS. You have also been sent an email with all the specific activities listed in it. Take note that some activities are turned in using Google Classroom, some require you to use Canvas, some ask you to complete a Google Form or Quiz, and some activities ask you to share your document. Over the next several days I will be looking through all my files to find all your projects. Email me directly if you have any questions.
CONCLUSION: After you have completed these activities please restart your device (always a good thing to do for your computer) and restart yourself by going outside and taking a break. June 9, 2020
CLASS MEETING: We will share and review the Distance Learning Survey Results at an upcoming class meeting using Google Meet on Thursday, June 11th at 1:30 PM. This meeting will also be an opportunity to ask questions about any activities that you might have missed or had any problems with. Activity 10: Finish Full Page Ad You still have time to finish and turn in our final project. You are creating a full page advertisement about one of the classes, teams or extra curricular activities at Holland Middle School. The best advertisements will be printed out and posted around our school next year. The specific directions for this project are posted below but you will need to access Google Classroom to see the poster samples and to actually make your poster in Google Slides. You can also view a 9 minute tutorial video if you need help. TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: Finish today with this short video from FreeRice.com about their app. June 4, 2020 Activity 10: Full Page Ad For our final project you will be creating a full color, full page advertisement about one of the classes, teams or extra curricular activities at Holland Middle School. The best advertisements will be printed out and posted around our school next year. The specific directions for this project are posted below but you will need to access Google Classroom to see the poster samples and to actually make your poster in Google Slides. You can also view a 9 minute tutorial video if you need help.
TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: You can finish today's activity with this video about how Florida's Orange County Public Schools and local police are using a service called SnapTrends to monitor student's social media accounts. June 2, 2020 LOGO DESIGN VIDEO: We live in a world that is rich in graphic images. We use graphics to communicate all kinds of ideas. It is estimated that every day you come into contact with thousands of graphical images, and as was demonstrated in the App Icons Quiz, you have memorized quite a few of them. The seven minute video below will introduce you to the world of logo designers. Activity 9: Logo Design Activity In today's activity you will be practicing your graphic arts skills by creating your own company logo. Normally we would be using a much more powerful program from Microsoft for this project called Publisher but since that program isn't available in our current distance learning format we will be using Google Slides instead. To access this activity you will need to log into Google Classroom and look for the assignment labeled: "June 2: Introduction to Graphic Arts and Making a Logo" Make sure you "Turn In" your work when you are finished. There is a sample logo there and you can watch the tutorial video to see how it was made (you will have to be logged into your school google account to watch the video).TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: We will finish class today with another 7 minute video from PBS Off Book about graphic design.
CONCLUSION: After you have completed these activities please restart your device (always a good thing to do for your computer) and restart yourself by going outside and taking a break May 28, 2020 Online Typing Games: Improving your typing speed and accuracy will make you more efficient. The quicker you complete the typing you have to do for school the more free time you will have. Unfortunately, typing practice isn't always fun. Today we're going to experiment with some online typing games. Please spend at least 20 minutes experimenting with the following online typing activities. Use this time to practice your typing. We will finish with a typing test today. *You can compete with other students using the last two options Activity 8: Typing Test
TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: Enjoy this video from the Corning Corporation about some of the potential uses for their glass products in the future. (PA-BCIT Standard: 15.4.8.A) May 26, 2020 IMPROVING YOUR TYPING SPEED & ACCURACY: One of the goals of this class is to help you learn how to use technology to be more efficient. The simple fact is that there are are hundreds of assignments that you will need to type between now and graduation from high school. This week we will be practicing typing so you can improve your speed and accuracy. TYPING VIDEO: Start by watching this short video from Tech Insider about specific ways to type faster. TYPING PRACTICE: Today we will be using a specific typing website to practice typing.
Activity 7: Typing Survey When you have finished practicing typing today follow this link and complete the 5 question survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIFGNWcPcerlXgvpuI718SkPsYkgep37osiWxrLCAh-WoHeA/viewform?usp=sf_link TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: We will finish with this 5 minute video from the Wall Street Journal about the history of keyboards and computers and some possible future keyboards. May 21, 2020 Activity 6: Basic Computer Knowledge Watch the PowerPoint presentation below and answer these 5 Review Questions. If you are unable to hear the audio in the presentation you can view the text and all the slides by opening this PDF version of the Basic Computer Knowledge Presentation. Make sure you complete the 5 Review Questions after you watch the presentation. Basic Computer Knowledge PowerPoint Presentation CLASS MEETING: We have a Google Meet planned for Thursday, May 21st at 1:30 PM. You should log into your school Google Calendar to find the link to the meeting. Meeting Topics:
TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: You can finish today with a video from Microsoft about possible uses for technology in the future. (PA-BCIT Standard: 15.4.8.A)
May 19, 2020 ACCESSING OFFICE 365 & INSTALLING WORD, POWER-POINT & EXCEL: Did you know that as a Council Rock student you have access to your own Microsoft Office 365 account? Just like you have a school Google account you also have an Office 365 account. As a student you are also entitled to install free copies of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel on your iMac, MacBook or PC at home (sorry, but you unfortunately can’t install these programs on a Chromebook). This four minute video will explain how to access your school Office 365 Account and how to install the free programs on your computer at home. You could also follow the directions below.
Activity 5: The MLA Format in Word Online For this project you will be using Microsoft Word Online to type a one paragraph essay in the MLA Format that is used for all academic work at our high school. Please follow the directions below.
CLASS MEETING ON THURSDAY, MAY 21th AT 1:30: We will use Google Meet and the link will be sent to your Council Rock Gmail address. Meeting Topics:
TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: We will finish class today with a short video about a “micro drone” that was at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. TAKE A BREAK: After you have completed these activities please restart your device (always a good thing to do for your computer) and restart yourself by going outside and taking a break. May 14, 2020 Activity 4: Basic Email Etiquette All students should be able to appropriately use email to communicate with their teachers. In today’s activity we will practice some basic email etiquette by communicating formally with a teacher. You will be sending a formal thank you email to any Council Rock faculty member. The specific directions for this project can be viewed here (or click the image to the right). Make sure you add Mr. McNulty to the cc: line in your email so you will be marked off in the HAC for having completed this activity. (PA-BCIT Standards 15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.M, 15.3.8.O, 15.3.8.Q, 15.3.8.R, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.U, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.D, 15.4.8.G)EMAIL ETIQUETTE VIDEO: We will finished this activity with email etiquette tips for college students from Dr. Tracy Brown at California State University in San Marcos. (PA-BCIT Standards 15.3.8.E, 15.3.8.M, 15.3.8.O, 15.3.8.Q, 15.3.8.R, 15.3.8.S, 15.3.8.U, 15.3.8.X, 15.4.8.D, 15.3.8.M, 15.4.8.F) VIDEO INTERVIEW TIPS: In the past several weeks you may have participated in several video conferences for school. Before we start our Computer Class Meeting using Google Meet today you should watch this short video about how to participate in an online job interview using skype. (PA-BCIT Standards: 15.2.8.H, 15.3.8.M, 15.6.8.M, 15.4.8.A, 15.8.8.M)CLASS MEETING TODAY AT 1:45: We will have a class meeting using Google Meet today. We will be reviewing the Technology Use Survey results and the four activities that you should have completed at this point. Please take note of the following:
CONCLUSION: After you have completed these activities please restart your device (always a good thing to do for your computer) and restart yourself by going outside and taking a break. May 12, 2020
Activity 3: Making a Weekly Schedule Tutorial Video (6 minutes) For this project you will be making a weekly schedule for yourself using Google Docs. As you might have noticed, Distance Learning has many advantages and disadvantages. It gives you an immense amount of freedom to but with that freedom comes a lot of responsibility to manage your time to make sure you don’t fall behind your peers. For today’s activity we will be helping you organize your time by making a simple weekly schedule using tables in Google Docs.
TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: Your school Google Account includes access to Google Calendar which you might find to be a useful tool for organizing your days during distance learning. The video below was prepared by a teacher at the Busan Foreign School in South Korea and it is a great tutorial about how to use your Google Calendar for school. CLASS MEETING: After watching the video please go to your School Google Calendar and look for our Computer Class under “other calendars” on the left and look for the Class Meeting (video conference) that we have scheduled for Thursday. TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: Take a few minutes to watch this video about the Busan International School in South Korea. American International Schools like this exist in many parts of the world. If you visit their school website you can also see that they have also been closed for several weeks due to the CIVID-19 virus but they are scheduled to start reopening on May 20th. CONCLUSION: After you have completed these activities please restart your device (always a good thing to do for your computer) and restart yourself by going outside and taking a break May 7, 2020 INTERNET MOMENT: You live in a world that is full of information and you can’t possibly absorb all of it. It is important to develop a sense of judgement about what information resources you will use and which ones you will ignore. As a warm-up activity today you will be visiting three different news aggregator websites. You should give yourself a few minutes to explore each of them. Set a timer if you need to. Then follow the link below to complete the survey about which news resource you preferred. The results will be shared with everyone. ORGANIZING YOUR SCHOOL GOOGLE DRIVE: Organizing your Google Drive Video (6 minutes).
Activity 2: Technology Use Survey Log into Google Classroom (click here for directions) and look for the May 7 Assignment. You will find the link to the 2020 Technology Use Survey. Follow the link and answer the 65 questions. All computer class students are taking the survey and in a later class we will review the results from the survey. TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: We will finish class today with a short video from Google about one of their data centers in South Carolina. Your Google Drive is located in a Google data center just like this someplace in the world. CONCLUSION: After you have completed these activities please restart your device (always a good thing to do for your computer) and restart yourself by going outside and taking a break. May 5, 2020 WELCOME TO YOUR 8TH GRADE COMPUTER CLASS: The overall goal of this class is to make sure every student is familiar with the technology resources that are available to them at Council Rock before they go to the high school. Today we will start with a few easy activities to make sure you can access the directions for all our Computer Class Activities. Activity 1: All students should be able to access their school Gmail Account, our class website (www.TodayInComputerClass.com), Google Classroom and Canvas. Practice accessing all four of these resources by following the directions below. After you have accessed all four of these resources follow this link to answer 5 questions. USING YOUR SCHOOL GMAIL ACCOUNT: Using your School Gmail Account Video (4 minutes): Computer class directions will be sent to you via email on Mondays and Wednesdays. All students in the Council Rock School District have a school Gmail account and you should be able to log in and check your email. Please do the following activity:
OUR CLASS WEBSITE: All Computer Class activities are also posted on the internet at our class website, TodayInComputerClass.com This is website is an example of a blog. Blogs have been around since the 1990’s and the origin of the word is ”web log” which was shortened to blog. You can always check to see what we do each day as a class by visiting: TodayInComputerClass.com. Students should also know that their parents will be sent an email with a link to this website so they can also review what we are doing in computer class each day. ACCESSING GOOGLE CLASSROOM: All Computer Class activities are also posted on Google Classroom (click here for directions). Please follow the directions below to find this class in Google Classroom.
ACCESSING CANVAS: All Computer Class activities are also posted on Canvas which is a new learning management system that is being adopted by the Council Rock School District over the next two years. Please follow the directions below to find this class in Canvas:
ACTIVITY 1: Distance Learning Questions TECHNOLOGY CURRENT EVENT VIDEO: For our final activity today watch the following video about the most recent demographic and technological changes that have taken place in our world: May 1, 2020 - Welcome to Computer Class Welcome to your 6 week rotation in Computer Class. The goal of this class is to make sure you are... Familiar with Council Rock technology Able to use our technology for school projects Familiar with how the technology all around us works ![]() Follow this link to the Welcome Video for the course You will have to log into your Council Rock Google Account to view the video Computer Class for 8th Graders will start on May 5th. All course content will be posted in CANVAS, Google Classroom and on the website: www.TodayInComputerClass.com. Course content will also be sent to your school Gmail account. You can check any of these resources to see what we’re doing each day in Computer Class. |